In this book, we will explore some of the wonders of the universe and of life on our little planet. But most importantly, we will explore the wonder of our own existence. Since the earliest days of human history, people have struggled with the big questions of life. Why are we here? Where are we going? What happens to us when we die?

Some people believe that science offers all the answers we seek; others feel that science leaves them empty. It doesn’t offer answers for some of the deepest longings of the human heart. But that doesn’t mean that those answers can’t be found.


John Templeton Baldwin, Andrews University
Jerry D. Thomas, Pacific Press Publishing House
L. James Gibson, Geoscience Research Institute


Beyond Imagination

The next time you’re on the beach, pick up a handful of sand. If the estimates are right, there are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on all the beaches in the world.

The Day the Universe Changed Forever

More than anything else, it’s the orderly structure of the universe that suggests that the universe was intelligently and purposefully planned.

The Design of the Earth

We live in a well-designed world, with exactly the right conditions for life, surrounded with living creatures with amazing abilities and interdependent relationships. All these things suggest that there must have been a Creator.

The Uniqueness of Humans

Humans are unique! And the Bible’s Creation story could explain why. It has an answer for why humans have abilities beyond the need for survival. And it tells what might be the purpose of these special abilities.

A Gift of Balance

The wonders of the universe are beyond imagination. Is it possible that a Being with that kind of power cares about humans? That a Creator God gave us special gifts like self-awareness and creativity? And that He gave us a gift of time off to keep those gifts in balance?

Why the Bad Stuff?

We’ve talked about the wonders of the universe and the power of a God who could create such things. But where is this God when people are suffering? Why does God let evil things happen to us?

The Jesus Plan

When His children got lost in rebellion, the Creator didn’t abandon them or wipe them out and start over. He launched a plan to rescue them. Jesus came to show humans…

Rescue from Above

It didn’t take the miners long to realise that they had no way to escape—they could only hope for rescue from above. Many felt that there was no way for the men to have survived, but the Chilean people refused to give up hope.

Earth 2.0

Humans have a really hard time grasping the meaning of eternity or life without pain and death. We are limited so much by what we know, by what we have experienced.

A New Way of Thinking

The God of a universe so vast we can barely begin to comprehend it came to find friends and show them the way back to happiness.