One Million Reasons | Reflecting Hope Leaflets

NEW Courses

Message of Truth

Do you have a Bible but you don’t know where to start, how to find a reference or how to understand what you read?

This course is a practical study guide in which reading the Bible and reflecting upon the reading are the key elements. You will have the opportunity to search, compare, dig deeper and read from different perspectives, connecting the Old and New Testaments, learn how to understand prophecy and more.

Digging up the Past

Fascinated about the Pyramids and their secrets? What about the ancient writings and their messages for our times?

‘Digging up the Past’ course explores ancient civilisations (Egypt, Babylon), searching for the historical and cultural background of the Bible. With a particular emphasis on historical and archaeological discoveries, the author introduces amazing details about pyramids, the Biblical flood, Petra and the Dead Sea.

We Believe

Looking for a specific answer, searching for more knowledge, or simply seeking a correct understanding of Bible beliefs?

This is the place where you will discover what Seventh-day Adventists believe. And why! As their faith is founded on the Bible, the first lesson, ‘The Word of God’, looks at why the Bible is the best-selling and most-read book in the world. 27 other lessons will lead you step by step to knowing the Bible’s truths.

See ALL Courses

Our courses cover topics such as Bible teachings, Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation,

Health and Wellbeing, Children, Archaeology and more.

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Free Books

Media Resources

AUDIO. Audiobooks and podcasts are great ways to learn more – no reading necessary. Why not try listening a chapter from a Christian classic, Steps to Christ or an episode of our Spotify Bible Answers?

VIDEO. Try something different and watch a presentation about a topic you may not have thought about it this way before. We recommend the proven series entitled Revelation—Hope, Meaning, Purpose.

WATCH. Tired of TV shows that don’t add value? Hope Channel offers programs on wholistic Christian living and focuses on faith, health, relationships, and community. It’s media that will change your life!