What is the ADC?

The Adventist Discovery Centre (UK and Ireland) is a correspondence school and resources centre. We offer free distance learning for your discovery journey. The four ADC vectors are: online and mailed courses, the FreeBible programme, books and booklets along with other valued digital media resources, and social network communities for interactive studies. Our centre is welcoming people of all backgrounds (see map below).

The Adventist Discovery Centre (ADC), formerly known as the Voice of Prophecy (VOP), was founded in 1945, as part of a world-wide network of Christian correspondence schools. From USA to Australia, and from South Africa to the Caribbean, currently there are 140 affiliate schools, in 127 countries, sharing resources in more than 100 languages and dialects.

ADC in the world

The Adventist Discovery Centre is serving students from UK and Ireland (with printed resources) and is open to online English-speaking students from all around the world. See below no less than 40 dots, each one for a specific country, on all continents, people interested in what we offer.

A still vibrant ministry

See ‘An Amazing Piano Story’, published in the book Just a Scrap of Paper, reflecting the work of the ADC. The mission is still vibrant today, with hundreds of students, 20 courses, and over 250,000 flyers, booklets and other pieces of literature distributed (2022-2023).


‘I found this course very enjoyable and spiritual
and fulfilling of my needs.’

(Tina, July 2023)

‘I’ve learned a lot through this course.
My eyes have been opened.’


‘I feel I’ve started a long journey towards
understanding my faith.’


‘A very important course for me. I learned many good things for myself and my family. As a church elder, I am more equipped to help couples and young people in the church. Thank you so much.


‘What a fantastic way to celebrate the Sabbath,
by doing a lesson study of “Try Jesus” course.
Many penny dropping moments.
Thank you!’


‘‘Thank you for accompanying me during the courses and for your encouraging feedback. I have really enjoyed the courses and made positive lifestyle changes as I went along.’


‘I don’t understand the Bible as much as I thought. This course really helped to take in what I was reading.’


‘I am very much thankful for your help. I have learnt even more from your feedback. Kind regards.’


‘I am learning so much and feel my heart is opening up so much to the God and His word.’

(Olivia, January 2024)

‘I’ve been a believer for many years but left my church a few years ago. Now coming back to Christ, I’m using this as a refresher in my process of rebuilding my relationship with my Lord and Saviour, King Jesus.’

(Daylia, May 2024)

‘Thanks for your excellent service. I really appreciate from my heart your incredible service and I am grateful for your kindness and generosity. This course has been helping grow in many ways in both of my spiritual life and other areas of  knowledge and understandings.’

(Dibaba, May 2024)

‘Thank you for your email. Your Bible has changed my life. May you keep doing what you’re doing and God bless you.’

(Zvikomborero, May 2024)

‘Thank you for giving me a good opportunity to know about Scripture. Overall, that made me read the Bible more and more. I thank Jesus for your Bible study.’

(Priya, May 2024)

‘Thank you for continuing to send out these papers. They keep me busy and I love learning more about God and the Bible.’

(Billie, April 2024)

‘I found the FreeBible quizzes very edifying. I enjoyed them very much and so did the children. They taught me things of God which are very important, so thank you again for the fun and educational quizzes.’

(Mark, February 2024)

‘My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in Me through their message.’
(John 17:20)

'You're not allowed to...'

So said Facebook (Meta) when we tried to promote our two websites (FreeBible and ADC) via paid advertising on their social media platform. If you think this is unbelievable, please read our report. However a friend of ADC thinks differently, and he wrote us an encouraging letter. [shared at the end].

The longest gap

100 years from advert to request. Few of the letters we receive at the ADC have such a remarkable background as this one, from Irwin. Our daily correspondence covers all subject matters, but this letter was absolutely special for three amazing reasons. First of all, because it reached us although not addressed to us…