Let’s look at 10 quick points of reference, 10 anchors showing the Bible’s multifaceted value and worldwide influence, thus trying to answer the why.
Helps to Bible Study was written by John Lewis Shuler (1887-1984), professor of evangelism. Pastor Shuler has written more than 1,000 sermons, several books and manuscripts on effective evangelism. In 1937, before the technological era, he was the first to introduce a printed Bible course for teaching the truth. It was called the Home Bible Course and led to the…
If you’re memorising Scripture mechanically, you’ll be a perfect… Pharisee. A Pharisee will count words and passages, will have yellow stickers or small cards all over the place.
If you’re memorising Scripture mechanically, you’ll be a perfect… Pharisee. A Pharisee will count words and passages, will have yellow stickers or small cards all over the place.
A Bible study in unexpected circumstances One morning this past week, Eduard Keshishyan participated as a guest speaker to an open devotional, held on Zoom and broadcasted live on Facebook. (You can watch and listen to it here.) ADC staff were present, and we listened to his amazing story, shared as a life changing experience. Told first-hand, we felt the…
Reacting to the concept that God would subject His enemies to unending torture in hell, many have turned from God. But the Bible makes clear that this is a misunderstanding.