The Bible says: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, . . . the things which God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:10). Our imagination cannot comprehend what it will be like to live in a world that is devoid of evil and free from contamination of any kind. We can only understand from the preview of that glorious future that God has given us in His Word.
When that time comes, and everyone is confronted with the choice of yielding to Satan’s kingdom of modern Babylon or be cast into the fiery furnace of affliction, what will you do? That is a choice we can make now and like those three Hebrew young men, take our stand on the side of Christ.
Book of Revelation – a series presented by pastor Michael Walker Lesson #10 – Revelation, chapters 10-11 Chapter 10 That which is revealed in Revelation 10 and 11 is parenthetical between the 6th and 7th Trumpets. It draws our attention to the arrival of God’s Last Warning Message to this world before Christ’s return. When the 7th Trumpet is finished sounding, the…
Book of Revelation – a series presented by pastor Michael Walker Lesson #9 – Revelation, chapter 9 5th Trumpet – The Christian World Harassed by the Mohammedans vs. 1 -11 This trumpet sounds the judgement on the Eastern Empire of Rome: it is the 1st of “three woes” (Revelation 8:13 c.f. Revelation 9:12). The focus is on the rise of the…
Book of Revelation – a series presented by pastor Michael Walker Lesson #8 – Revelation, chapter 8 The dramatic portrayal of the coming judgements is about to commence as the 7 trumpets prepared to sound. The first four of those trumpets sounded the warning upon the Western Empire of Rome. When the apostle John received this vision, the Roman Empire…
Book of Revelation – a series presented by pastor Michael Walker Lesson #7 – Revelation, chapter 8 Chapter 7 is in parenthesis between Revelation 6:17 and Revelation 8:1 in order to answer the question posed at the close of the 6th Seal. It then continues with the opening of the 7 Seals: (1) The scenes as well as the chapters in the Book of Revelation…
Book of Revelation – a series presented by pastor Michael Walker Lesson #6 – Revelation, chapter 7 Chapter 7 Between the visions of the 6th and 7th Seals, there is a pause in the prophecy to answer the question in Revelation 6:17. The answer is a call aimed specifically at God’s professed people for special preparation before the return of Jesus.…
Book of Revelation – a series presented by pastor Michael Walker Lesson #5 – Revelation, chapter 6 The Prophecies in Revelation are repetitive rather than in successive order. This principle was even recognized by Victorinus, who was martyred in AD 303 during the Diocletian persecutions. He wrote a complete commentary on the Book of Revelation in which he emphasizes the…
Book of Revelation – a series presented by pastor Michael Walker Lesson #4 – Revelation, chapter 4 The initial introduction has been given in chapters 1-3 in which Jesus has introduced Himself and given a brief panoramic survey of church history from the early Christian Church in AD 31, down the corridor of time to these last days during the time of the…
Book of Revelation – a series presented by pastor Michael Walker Lesson #3 – Revelation, chapter 3 SARDIS vs. 1-6Sardis – meaning: “that which remains”. The Reformation Period c. 1517- c. 1755. Following the centuries of apostasy and persecution, there remained very few amongst the true faith. This remnant stepped forward towards a renewed spiritual life, yet that life which began with good…