We’ve all heard that online beats printed advertising by a long way. However, as many as 79% of recipients keep the leaflets that they receive or at least share them with a friend. As many as 78% of consumers glance at the messages included in the flyers that are posted through their door, and a total of 23% read them thoroughly. So says 75Media advertising company, in this article, inquiring whether flyers really work for business in 2022.
One of their conclusions is clear: Not only are flyers effective at engaging your customers, but they’re also proven to drive conversions and trigger further interaction with the brand.
Talking about that…
Introducing our new ADC flyer
It features the new ADC visual identity (logo, colours), our renewed offer of 15 courses, a FreeBible section and a short list of other resources available on our website.
On the inside, all of our current courses are presented in 4 categories: introductory, advanced, health, and across bottom a list of 6 others covering specific interests (children, faiths, archaeology etc.)
On the flip page there is a FreeBible section, as ADC is the home of the FreeBible programme. It includes two testimonials, a short explanation about the project and full contact details.
On the back page there is a display of the different resources available on the website, and both a section for ADC contact details as well as a fill-in coupon for an individual student wanting to enrol.
We hope you will enjoy these flyers, as they have the potential to change a life for good, as we learned from this amazing story.
Have we mentioned they are currently being offered to you for free – up to 500 copies for each church? 😇
The contact details on the back cover can be yours, like these personalised ones for Dublin (Ireland), Inverness (Scotland). You would be in touch with your new friend(s) in no time. For only £160 you can have 5,000 copies to share in your community.
“Share to the people all the words of this life.”
Acts 5:20
Get in touch with us. Thank you very much.
Your ADC team
1 Comment
Colin Woodford
Could you send me a copy of the new leaflet, please. I am the new personal ministries leader for the Middlesbrough SDA church and would like to see if this is something we could use in the church outreach efforts. Prior to covid I used to deliver the FreeBible in this area [I think it was in the region of 80].